Licensed & Experienced Shotcrete Contractor
At BAM Shotcrete, we provide installation and repairs for structural shotcrete projects. We use high-quality equipment, reliable shotcrete pumps, experienced shotcrete pump operators, and ACI-certified nozzlemen.
With over 45 years of experience, we’ve built walls for parking garages, basement walls, shoring wall systems, robust pools, water features, retaining walls, architectural landscapes, ground supports, and more.
The cost, strength, durability, and aesthetics are reasons why structural shotcrete is a favorite among engineers, architects, and construction firms.
Call (623) 462-0230 or email us for a free structural shotcrete estimate
Based in Phoenix, we also offer our shotcrete services nationwide including Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, California, Oregon, Washington, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and more.
Below we’ve compiled a list of answers to our most common structural shotcrete questions. If you have a question that we did not answer below, give us a call at (623) 462-0230 or send us an email.
Structural shotcrete is a high-performance application of concrete, where the material is pneumatically projected onto surfaces at high velocity. It’s commonly used to create or reinforce structural elements such as retaining walls, tunnels, and foundations. The method ensures dense compaction, making the structure extremely strong and durable. It can be applied in hard-to-reach areas where traditional concrete pouring is difficult. Structural shotcrete also allows for more precise shaping and layering, making it ideal for complex architectural designs or structural repairs.
BAM Shotcrete Inc. provides industry leading shotcrete installation and consulting services. We pride ourselves on our staff of professional experts that are here to serve you and your project needs no matter the demands. Get in touch today for a free estimate – call 623-462-0230 or click the button below.
For all your commercial or residential shotcrete needs including canals, irrigation and drainage channels, custom swimming pools and spas, skateparks and pump tracks, soil retention, slope protection, shoring, vertical soil nail walls, and more. AZ ROC# 306918